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Meet the SeaRobotics Team at Oceanology International (Oi)

Meet the SeaRobotics Team at Oceanology International (Oi)

The SeaRobotics team is excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at Oceanology International (Oi), at ExCel London from 17-19 March.  Oi is widely regarded as the world’s premier ocean tech conference and so the perfect place to profile our range of intelligent marine robotics, which includes a portfolio of ASVs, ROVs, and custom-built solutions that help put our commercial, government and defense partners in control of their marine operations.

This year, on display at booth A600, will be our latest man-portable ASV, the SR-Surveyor M1.8. Designed to streamline hydrographic survey logistics and optimize data recordings in shallow and hard to navigate areas, the SR-Surveyor M1.8 is the complete package for bathymetry, habitat mapping, structure inspection and search and recovery efforts.

Both Don Darling, SeaRobotics President, and Lou Dennis, VP of Programs, will be on the ground in London to discuss how our products and services are governed by the common goal of delivering efficiency gains and a more sustainable approach to intercoastal and offshore activities. One such product is the SR-HullBUG system, a new breed of ROV that deploys grooming tools and a capture-and-recover system to remove the early signs of biofouling in the name of vessel efficiency and serves as an innovative solution to the ongoing concerns related to biofouling and water contamination.

We look forward to continuing the conversation in London.

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