Intelligent, Versatile and Configurable

Intuitive Interfacing

Flexible Payloads

Extended Reach

While compact (2.5 m in length), the SR-Utility 2.5 is a comprehensive hydrographic system that features multibeam, echo sounders, support sensors, as well as an SV cast winch, deployment cart, and road trailer.
This premium, commercial-grade hydrographic survey system uses a single software interface and IHO multibeam integration. Capable of full-day survey endurance, while deploying multibeam and side scan sonar or ADCPs, the SR-Utility 2.5 can operate in sea states 2 - 3.
The ASV offers a full suite of autonomous survey planning, fail safes, health monitoring, and redundancy, making the SR-Utility 2.5 the perfect solution for survey professionals working in remote, shallow inland and coastal areas.
This premium, commercial-grade hydrographic survey system uses a single software interface and IHO multibeam integration. Capable of full-day survey endurance, while deploying multibeam and side scan sonar or ADCPs, the SR-Utility 2.5 can operate in sea states 2 - 3.
The ASV offers a full suite of autonomous survey planning, fail safes, health monitoring, and redundancy, making the SR-Utility 2.5 the perfect solution for survey professionals working in remote, shallow inland and coastal areas.
Interchangeable Payloads
- Multi/Single beam sonar
- GNSS receiver
- Sub bottom profiler
- Water quality sonde
- Sound velocity probe
- Cast winch
- Video
- Disaster Response
- Bathymetric Research
- Water Quality Studies
- Stream Gauging
- Winch Deployment
- Habitat Mapping
- Infrastructure Survey

The 3.0 was originally designed as a Heavy Load Water Sampling ASV in 2019 but has been developed to carry an interchangeable suite of customizable sensors and payloads. We call it our “Pick-Up Truck” ASV given its versatility and durability.
The base vehicle was designed to support large multibeam sonar systems and a 50 ft cast winch, while customizable sensors include bathy/side scan sonar and water quality sonde. SeaRobotics’ ASV driver for HYPACK and QINSy provides streamlined interfacing, making the vehicle intuitive, safe and efficient to operate.
The SR-Utility 3.0 comes equipped with 5VDC, 12VDC and 24VDC power sources as standard. User serial, USB and Ethernet ports are also available, allowing users to easily change out/integrate different sensors and equipment.
The base vehicle was designed to support large multibeam sonar systems and a 50 ft cast winch, while customizable sensors include bathy/side scan sonar and water quality sonde. SeaRobotics’ ASV driver for HYPACK and QINSy provides streamlined interfacing, making the vehicle intuitive, safe and efficient to operate.
The SR-Utility 3.0 comes equipped with 5VDC, 12VDC and 24VDC power sources as standard. User serial, USB and Ethernet ports are also available, allowing users to easily change out/integrate different sensors and equipment.
Interchangeable Payloads
- Single/Multi-beam echo sounders
- Sub bottom profilers
- Vector GPS
- Side scan sonar
- Backscatter
- Spectrometer/Magnetometer
- Disaster Response
- Research & Development
- Autonomous Survey
- Shallow Water Bathymetry
- Stream Gauging
- Winch Deployment

The SR-Utility 3.6 is a collapsible, multifunctional ASV that offers large vessel capabilities in a package that is easily transported and stored (in two standard 65" pallet containers).
This vehicle is designed specifically to support large multibeam sonar systems and is available with an optional autonomous sound velocity cast winch. In addition, the SR-Utility 3.6 has integrated sensors, including bathy/side scan sonar and water quality sonde. Typical break-down and set-up time is approximately 45 minutes.
The large payload deck and onboard data acquisition computer allow operators to interchange a wide variety of hydrographic sensors without assistance. SeaRobotics ASV driver for HYPACK and QINSy allow for streamlined interfacing making the vehicle intuitive, safe and efficient to operate.
This vehicle is designed specifically to support large multibeam sonar systems and is available with an optional autonomous sound velocity cast winch. In addition, the SR-Utility 3.6 has integrated sensors, including bathy/side scan sonar and water quality sonde. Typical break-down and set-up time is approximately 45 minutes.
The large payload deck and onboard data acquisition computer allow operators to interchange a wide variety of hydrographic sensors without assistance. SeaRobotics ASV driver for HYPACK and QINSy allow for streamlined interfacing making the vehicle intuitive, safe and efficient to operate.
Interchangeable Payloads
- Multi/Single beam sonar
- GNSS receiver
- Sub bottom profiler
- Water quality sonde
- Sound velocity probe
- Cast winch
- Video
- Disaster Response
- Bathymetric Research
- Water Quality Studies
- Stream Gauging
- Winch Deployment
- Habitat Mapping
- Infrastructure Survey